
If ever you question the definition of a true Beloved Sister—in the Janely “let’s write affectionately newsy letters!” sense—I’d like to offer up a jumping-off point. Beloved Sisters are those people who, when you move far away, are gracious and encouraging and stay on Skype with you for hours at a time so that you feel as if you’re in their living rooms. And then when you move back home, they embrace you and offer you places on their couches just because, and spend hours in coffee shops with you, doing whatever needs doing (or not). And then when you move away again, they just tell you it’s because you’re doing something great in the pursuit of a spectacular life, and quietly hook up the webcam again. And when you move back home a second time, they don’t say anything at all except “You’re back! When can we have baked goods and conversation?” and offer hugs.

It’s true: the Beloved Sisters of Austenacious are reunited once more, not by miles of cable and the affection of our hearts, but by the (latest) homecoming of perhaps our cagiest member (I can say that). And so I’d like to remind you all, Austen Nation, to find your Beloved Sisters and give them a hug at your earliest convenience: they are, after all, the best.

Or you could make a silly video to celebrate your friendship and the nearby presence of the greatest low-budget baseball team of all time, as Miss Osborne has so thoughtfully done. (Action Jane: “Go A’s!”) You know, whatever works.


The Complete Jane: Unleashed!

Oh, readers, we do tire of Austen mashups.

That is, we would tire of Austen mashups if we ever read any of them.

It all just seems so unnecessary, all this revamping of the land of Austen in the name of murder and mayhem. But what if the mashup in question were, by definition, un-horrific? What if there were no zombies, no sea monsters, no vampires, and no modern-day single ladies looking for a man? What if it were, in fact, a mashup with adorableness? In that spirit, the fine folks over at Who’s Your Dachsund have graced us all with their fine video The Complete Jane Austen, featuring the usual Jane canon acted out by—you guessed it—baby lemurs!

Kidding. They’re Dachsunds.

(This is not to say that we would not enjoy baby lemurs in our Austen. “Oh, Mr. Wickham! How charming you are!”)

I’m especially fond of Captain Wentwoof, heartfelt letter-writter that he is. Such a charmer, that one. I bet he and his lady love enjoy long walk(ie)s on the beach at the end. How sweet!

…Somebody, please make this stop. I’m going to be thinking of Austenian wiener-dog jokes all day.

The Complete Jane: Unleashed!