Jane Austen Roundup of Internet Greatness: A Woolf, A Troll, Etc.

What’s that you say? It’s the end of the week, and all you want is some fun Jane Austen links while you wait for the weekend to appear? Well, don’t say we never did nothin’ for you.

Virginia Woolf on Persuasion and the unwritten novels of Austen (via New Republic)

The Quotable Jane Austen for Evil People: Persuasion Edition (via The Toast)

Action Jane and Thorin Oakenshield Fight A Troll Doll (via AustenBlog)

Deborah Yaffe on Goofy Austen News (Girl, we feel you.) (via Deborah Yaffe)

Stamps Celebrating Pride and Prejudice’s 200th Birthday Are LOVELY (via The Guardian)

(Especially delightful: Northanger Abbey. That GLOW!)

Let’s All Sit Around and Talk About Which Austen Heroes Are Our Soulmates! (via Buzzfeed, obvi)

(Answer: Knightley.) (It’s because I said Mindy/Danny, isn’t it?)

I now pronounce it The Weekend. Be free! Be free!


Jane Austen Roundup of Internet Greatness: A Woolf, A Troll, Etc.