A Confession

Readers, I have something to tell you. I’ve been keeping something from you. For two and a half years, I’ve been lurking (so to speak) in the shadows with a secret on my mind and shame in my heart. And now I’d like to come clean.

I, Miss Ball, co-founder of Austenacious and crafter of the occasional Fanny Price joke, have never read Mansfield Park.

I know. I KNOW!

Now that my personal scandal has broken and my private shame is displayed for all to see, I hope you won’t ride off to Scotland looking for me—I’m ready to make things right, no bribery or shotgun weddings required. (See? Pride and Prejudice references, at a time like this!) Over the next few weeks, I’ll be reading Mansfield Park—and, readers, I’d love to have you along for the ride. Will you read with me? Whether you’re tagging along to right a wrong of your own (I wouldn’t ask; I’m a lady), or just love hanging out with that sassy Fanny Price, I can’t think of better reading and discussion partners than you fabulous party people.

Next week (3/7), if you’d like to read along, we’ll be talking about chapters one through ten.

Let’s read. Let’s chat. Let’s eat cookies!

(Maybe that last one’s just me…but let’s be realistic. See you next week, novel in hand.)

A Confession