Oh, Mother!

What is Mother’s Day without fondly remembering the times when our mothers were looking out for our best interests? Mrs. Bennet certainly took great pains to ensure the future happiness of all of her daughters. When Jane asked for the carriage to visit the Bingley sisters, Mrs. Bennet replied, “No, my dear, you had better go on horseback, because it seems likely to rain; and then you must stay all night.” Always thinking ahead, that Mrs. B. And she wasn’t wrong, was she?

To celebrate Mother’s Day this year, I have collected some wisdom bestowed on me and my friends by our dear mothers.

On marriage prospects…

• When you get on the plane, you have to be nice if there is a man sitting next to you. He might be single and marry you.

• The entire family is going to fast for one meal every day until you find someone and get married.

• After receiving an email saying I was dating someone, her response was, “I’m so happy! I’ve been praying for this for so long!”

On personal safety…

• No, you can’t go to the New Kids on the Block concert. If you were to go to a concert, you’d probably stand up on a chair to see better. Then you might fall off the chair and break you neck!

• Whatever you do, don’t try on clothes in a Parisian boutique. If you do, you will be abducted and sold into white slavery in Saudi Arabia! I read about it in a magazine.

On the lack of hardiness of subsequent generations…

• Your Great Grandmother Lizzy would wipe her arse with a broken gin bottle.

On becoming a lady of musical accomplishment…

• Don’t bother playing those country songs. Just scream rock ‘n’ roll and kick up your leg and shake your bum!

On the importance of an heir…

• Just get pregnant, you don’t have to get married. I want great grandchildren.

• What? Why would you adopt? You don’t know where that baby came from! If you can’t find a husband, just go out and get pregnant. (Note: This occurred when I was in my 30s.)

On appropriate clothing…

• Whatever you do, always make sure you’ve got clean underwear. And definitely not ripped underwear! What if you get into an accident? What if the EMTs saw that you were wearing ripped underwear? What would they think of your mother letting you wear ripped underwear???
Oh, Mother!