Jane of the North: A Story of Life and Love in the Not-Quite-Arctic

You know, for being the inanimate, six-inch representation of a long-dead British author of novels about love and life, Action Jane sure does get out a lot. Think about it: since December, she’s driven cross-country, visited or revisited Texas and the wilds of the Middle Colonies, and made a number of short hops about her usual California stomping grounds. Whatever that Amelie/Travelocity gnome does, our Jane does sometimes backwards and in plastic heels, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

Recently, accompanied by friend-of-blog Mr. Lim, Action Jane took a pilgrimage to Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, Canada—home of Al Capone’s Prohibition-era hideaway, among other things—and reported back with this travelogue of the Great White-ish North:

Jane wonders about the mysteries of this new world. Like, the sky’s an entirely different color! Also, airplanes.

Jane plays nice with mooses in uniform, but this one’s screwed if he thinks he’s running off with anybody’s virtue.

Mr. Lim is suspiciously vigilant against stray drafts. No accidentally-on-purpose flu-ridden houseguests for him, eh?

Jane wonders at the many exotic ways of preparing mutton in this far-off land, and wonders where she can get her hands on some forcemeat balls.

Jane is unsure about this Al Capone fellow, but surely the non-cylindrical nature of his hat does not bode well for his character.

Also, what kinds of pheasants does that weapon hunt?

Jane enjoys a long walk in the wild New World countryside, but does not stand on a cliff, accompanied by soaring music. Unless somebody‘s not telling us something.

A special thanks to Mr. Lim for his thoughtful and assiduous company, and for such thorough documentation of the journey. You can travel with Jane any time!

….You’re welcome.

Photo credit: All photos © 2010 Luke Lim.

Jane of the North: A Story of Life and Love in the Not-Quite-Arctic