Top Ten Ways You Know It’s Summer in Jane Austen

10. Baseball!

9. Walks. Lots and lots of walks.

8. Someone’s sitting in the shade on a fine day, looking upon verdure, getting perfectly refreshed

7. Someone wants to sit in the shade on a fine day with a cute boy, but is too afraid to cross the ha-ha

6. Someone’s getting seduced at the seashore

5. Someone’s falling off a wall at the seashore

4. Someone’s in a constant state of inelegance

3. Someone’s being mean at a picnic

2. (Non-canon) It’s awfully hot! Better jump in the trout pond.

1. Someone’s too busy to go to the north, and settles for vacation in Derbyshire, the land of large houses and loooooove



Top Ten Ways You Know It’s Summer in Jane Austen

One thought on “Top Ten Ways You Know It’s Summer in Jane Austen

  1. The ‘constant state of inelegance’ one, though. I feel you, Jane.

    Also: someone wants to pick strawberries at someone else’s house, provided she can arrive on a donkey and wear a large bonnet.


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