Tumbl with me, Jane Austen

Image via Jane Austen is for lolz

Austen Nation, it has been a long week, and it is summer, and I think that if we are not ACTUALLY on a beach somewhere, forgetting all the drudgeries of our everyday lives, that we should be VIRTUALLY on a beach somewhere, forgetting all the drudgeries of our everyday lives. And I have to ask you: Where else but Tumblr? Where else but Tumblr can you feel like your brain is actually losing valuable cells taking a vacation? Nowhere, that’s where. So let’s take this end-of-week by the horns and enjoy the many Austenian joys of the Tumblr universe. Shall we?

May I refer you to:

The Jane Austen Tumblr tag: Unfiltered, uncurated. Like the real world, but with more .gifs.

The Other Austen: Still pretty amazing.

Jane Austen is for lolz: Ignore the name. There is greatness here.

Jane Austen Confessions: Post Secret stresses me out big time. This, not so much.

The Jane Austen Project: Pretty, fun. Yay.

Jane Austen Ryan Gosling: Obviously. Hey, girl.


Oh….you meant to be productive today? Sorry about that.

(P.S. Not sorry.)

Tumbl with me, Jane Austen

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