Mansfield Park, Vol. 2, Chapter 8 – Vol 3., Chapter 2

(For those without volume numbers, that’s chapter 26 through chapter 33.)

Well, at least she picks her battles: Fanny may not be able to get past the ha-ha or figure out which necklace to wear, but at least she stands her ground through the Henry Crawford proposal debacle—even when everybody around her is TERRIBLE about it. At least she has a fire* (finally) to sit and brood over. If only someone would get the poor girl a drink.

* HOWEVER. Sir Thomas! Fire or no fire, is that any way to speak to a lady? Or, like, a human being? Get it together, man! It’s the nineteenth century!

Various and sundry thoughts:

The necklace situation was goofy—she gave it to you, and it’s fine, and jeez, calm down—but I did love the way Jane captured the moment of ridiculous relief when something stressful is resolved without the expected amount of wailing and gnashing of teeth. Fanny’s “darn, looks like your chain’s too big for my cross” moment was like that split second where you think you’re about to be sent to the principal’s office, but the hall monitor’s after the kid next to you. That’s it? The chain’s too big? Well, then.

So sorry to hear about “…that independence of spirit, which prevails so much in modern days, even in young women, and which in young women is offensive and disgusting beyond all common offence.” Somehow I don’t think Sir Thomas would be that excited about the ladies of Austenacious. Whoops.

And finally, I’ve been holding this in for entirely too long and I think it’s time I let it all out: I suspect whoever cast Billie Piper in that BBC version may ALSO have never read the novel. I love me some Rose Tyler—like, a lot—but that? Is a horrendous idea. TAKE IT BACK.

How’s the reading going, people? Fourteen chapters and counting! And where the heck is Edmund? Come back, Edmund. Unless you’re just going to be stupid and marry Mary, in which case…go away, Edmund.

Mansfield Park, Vol. 2, Chapter 8 – Vol 3., Chapter 2

4 thoughts on “Mansfield Park, Vol. 2, Chapter 8 – Vol 3., Chapter 2

  1. Chris says:

    The subtitle on the book says “A Classic Romance”. Really? I haven’t seen much of the romance part yet.


  2. Annoyingly, I keep picturing Billie Piper as Fanny because of that adaptation. But I thought (despite my Rose Tyler love) that she was terrible in it. Plus, her hair made no sense.


  3. Hannah says:

    I have never seen a Mansfield Park adaptation that DIDN’T have a more spirited Fanny. As it is, I think that Billie Piper as Fanny did a much better job at being meekish than the somewhat multiple personality disorder-ed version that Francis O’Connor played. But those are the only versions that I have seen, so what do I know about the perfect Fanny Price? 🙂


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