A Confession

Readers, I have something to tell you. I’ve been keeping something from you. For two and a half years, I’ve been lurking (so to speak) in the shadows with a secret on my mind and shame in my heart. And now I’d like to come clean.

I, Miss Ball, co-founder of Austenacious and crafter of the occasional Fanny Price joke, have never read Mansfield Park.

I know. I KNOW!

Now that my personal scandal has broken and my private shame is displayed for all to see, I hope you won’t ride off to Scotland looking for me—I’m ready to make things right, no bribery or shotgun weddings required. (See? Pride and Prejudice references, at a time like this!) Over the next few weeks, I’ll be reading Mansfield Park—and, readers, I’d love to have you along for the ride. Will you read with me? Whether you’re tagging along to right a wrong of your own (I wouldn’t ask; I’m a lady), or just love hanging out with that sassy Fanny Price, I can’t think of better reading and discussion partners than you fabulous party people.

Next week (3/7), if you’d like to read along, we’ll be talking about chapters one through ten.

Let’s read. Let’s chat. Let’s eat cookies!

(Maybe that last one’s just me…but let’s be realistic. See you next week, novel in hand.)

A Confession

12 thoughts on “A Confession

  1. Fair warning…she’s not sassy in the book. It’s so disappointing. And I’m not giving it away, because it’ll only take you a chapter or two to figure it out on your own!


  2. Indeed, Fanny is sass-free. If one must pick an Austen heroine to dismiss, MP’s is the best option. Austen worried people wouldn’t like Emma? It’s Fanny who is hard to love.


  3. GT – YES! Come read with me!

    Michelle/Julie – I actually had heard that Fanny is something of a weenie. (Sorry, Jane.) But I will soldier through! Bring on the unsympathetic heroines!


  4. Emily Michelle says:

    Hmm . . . I’ve been thinking for a long time that maybe I should bite the bullet and read Mansfield Park. The two movie versions I’ve seen have done nothing to convince me the book would be worth reading, but I have to give it a try, right? All right, count me in.


    1. Mrs. Fitzpatrick says:

      Emily Michelle: I haven’t watched either of the two movies, but I’ve been told they have as much to do with MP as P&P&Z did with P&P! So don’t go by that…


  5. Megan says:

    I actually JUST started reading Mansfield Park for the first time! What a coincidence. Looking forward to seeing your reactions.


  6. *cringe* I don’t LIKE to call Fanny a weenie, but it’s true, sadly. Sorry Miss Austen! I know there’s something there underneath all that…Fanniness that I should like but I guess it requires another reading.


  7. While I have read MP, it is by far not my favorite and it’s the only one I haven’t re-read. I’m in the middle of a re-read and have been for the past year. I just keep shelving it (literally) for other books. One of my problems with this book was Henry Crawford. No spoilers, but while I’m pretty sure he’s there to be entertaining, I always just find him to be really annoying.


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