Happy Jane Year!


So it’s 2012 all of a sudden, and you may be asking yourself: “Self, why make New Year’s resolutions when the world’s going to end in 331 days anyway?” Well, I’ll tell you: constant, grating reminders of our own shortcomings or no, there’s nothing wrong with welcoming another trip around the sun by trying to make things just a little more delightful. Or so we hear. In any case, if you haven’t already filled up your resolution dance card with blah blah blah lose weight and yadda yadda call your mother, we think Jane has some mighty good suggestions:

– Be a nicer person. Make it up with those crazy Bronte girls and their weirdo brother. Stop calling them “those crazy Bronte girls and their weirdo brother.”

– Less pride*; less prejudice; more Pride and Prejudice.

– More muddy hems! Exercise makes for fine eyes, or so we’re told.

– Handsome scoundrel boyfriends permissible ONLY when one is sure there’s a handsome non-scoundrel waiting in the wings.

– More letters to sisters. Or Sisters.

– Take Action Jane everywhere. Send photos.

Surely, readers, you must have additional advice on this front. What shall we do, or attempt, before the sun burns us all up, and just in time for Christmas?

*of the variety that goeth before a fall. Perfectly healthy self-congratulation is, after all, perfectly healthy.

Happy Jane Year!

3 thoughts on “Happy Jane Year!

  1. Emily Michelle says:

    Perhaps, like Marianne, we could enter on a course of serious study. If Colonel Brandon can be prevailed on to let us use his library at Delaford, then I feel sure that even by reading only six hours a day, we shall gain in the course of 2012 a great deal of instruction which we now feel ourselves to want.


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