Lies to tell Jane Austen tourists

England is a lovely country. Everyone’s so polite and so friendly. Which I guess is why they need sarcastic outlets like Time Out London‘s Lies to Tell Tourists column. My personal favorite:

When on the tube it’s customary to introduce yourself to the people sitting next to and opposite you. (@magiczebras)

I never need a sarcastic outlet, which is why I immediately started thinking of Lies to Tell Jane Austen Tourists.

When at a party it’s customary to introduce yourself to all those present, particularly superior nephews of your noble patroness.

Respectable, marriageable gentlemen will flock instantly to your side should you fall down a hill. Important: It must be raining at the time.

When conversing with a new acquaintance, you should comment on their father’s ill health and be surprised they were raised by a lady.

Lockets of hair possessed by significant others always represent true love.

The quickest way to a man’s heart is through his ha-ha. OK, the quickest way to a man’s aunt is through her ha-ha.

If you’re a guest in someone’s house, your first duty is to suspect your host of nefarious activities and scour the place to find the truth.

One’s first impressions of people are invariably right.

And, the best way to get a girl to break up with your son/nephew is to insult her.

My efforts just scratch the surface. Come on, readers, show us your stuff! I’m sure you can lie to Jane Austen tourists like anything. Bring it on!

Lies to tell Jane Austen tourists

3 thoughts on “Lies to tell Jane Austen tourists

  1. Hahah…I saw headlines about the letter from the future mother-in-law, but I didn’t read it until I clicked on your link. Not sure if it’s good or bad that I agree with the mother-in-law about a lot of it.


  2. Emily Michelle says:

    Residents of Jane Austen Land are unfailingly discreet; don’t worry if you commit a social faux pas, as no one will be rude enough to gossip about it.

    Since so few of the residents are employed, they are fascinated by people who are. Be sure to tell everyone if you or your relatives are tradesmen, lawyers, or the like; it will raise your social standing immeasurably.

    Shows of physical affection between members of the opposite sex are tolerated and even encouraged. Think that guy at the dance is cute? Don’t be afraid to show him.

    The most admired feature on a lady is her legs. Be sure to choose dresses that show as much of your legs as possible.


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