Jane Austen rolls her eyes

It doesn’t seem wise or mentally economical to shine any extra light on this nonsense, except to say, suuuuuure. You just keep thinking your big manly thoughts with your big manly brain, and we’ll just sit over here with our narrow, sentimental view of the world and eat ice cream from the carton and swoon over how smart you are. Because there’s nothing we women love more than condescension; also, I hope some sentimental lady somewhere takes the opportunity to kick you in a place that I’ve recently heard called “soft and uncomfortable.” That should show you a narrow view of the world.

Ta ta!

Jane Austen rolls her eyes

4 thoughts on “Jane Austen rolls her eyes

  1. Stephani says:

    Snort! Oh dear…just sit down, old man, before your hurt yourself. Oh–too late. I find it very hard to believe that this walking gall bladder has read enough women writers to draw such a sweeping conclusion. But narcissism doesn’t allow for other worldviews.


  2. Michele says:

    I just want to say your post was AWESOME. Made me laugh out loud. As Mrs. Bennet would say, “Who is he to think him so far above his company.”


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