A few of Jane’s favorite things

Action Jane and I have a confession to make: We did not go to Bath. Jane, you know, never wanted to go there at all, and she convinced me that a fine spring day would be better spent in the countryside than in the glare of a town. I’ve been to Bath before, so my regret is all for you. But there you have it. A fine estate (formerly an abbey!) appealed to us more. For Miss Morland’s sake, we also looked at many real ruined abbeys, and a ruined castle or two.

Lacock Abbey was indeed bought from Henry VIII after the Dissolution and converted into a private home.

Catherine was pleased that, even though most of the building looks like an ordinary manor house, the cloisters and some abbey rooms still remain.

Only the ghosts of Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Snape walk here, though. (At least they did in the first two movies.) Being good guests, we did not search for mad Mrs. Tilney’s bedroom.

To cheer Catherine up, we took her to Tintern Abbey in south Wales. Catherine declared Tintern a little too clean for pure Romantic atmosphere, but at least better than Glastonbury Abbey, which was in the middle of a bustling market town!

However, we all acknowledged Conwy Castle to be a fine, manly pile of a ruin.

Jane and I then returned Catherine to her village to await Mr. Tilney, and headed north on a mission of our own . . .

To enter the Brontë Parsonage by stealth! The sisters’ home was indeed interesting, though they forbade photographs.

Our mission accomplished, we moaned supernaturally in the graveyard, and headed for home.

Photo credits: ©2011 Heather Dever. All rights reserved.
A few of Jane’s favorite things

3 thoughts on “A few of Jane’s favorite things

  1. Diana says:

    “Smoking, flash photography and supernatural moaning are forbidden within the facility. Earthly gorans are acceptable on alternate Sundays, weather permitting.”


  2. Emily Michelle says:

    I hope you remembered to beat your head against a tree and yell for Cathy. Isn’t Tintern just lovely?


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