Bonnets of Cheese: On Jane, Football, and the Wonder of the Internet

Here at Austenacious, we take Jane a lot of places. So far, she’s been to Hollywood, the Caribbean, Graceland (for the presumable purpose of getting familiar with that other King), and the top of our very own Christmas tree—just to name a few. But one place we could—would not?—not take our dear Action Jane? That massive New World display of machismo and capitalist purchasing power, the Super Bowl.

Luckily, Jane fans worldwide have our backs, and aren’t afraid to take Jane adventuring 140 characters at a time—beginning with country singer Rosanne Cash, the Janeites of Twitter took up the cause of #JaneAustenAtTheSuperbowl like a torch of gentle hilarity, and haven’t let up since.

The entire Twitter stream is here; for the impatient and the Twitter-averse, a few bon mots:

One hopes the unfortunate incident involving the lady’s corset is not repeated on this occasion. (@rosannecash)

The gentleman in the stripes? A known blackguard! I send no compliments to his mother. (@rosannecash)

Some ladies are determined to sport bonnets made of cheese. I must take to my bed. (@rosannecash)

Regarding the Legume Chorale, it grieves me to note that the spectacle exceeds the musicality. (@rosannecash)

Dare not say that man forgets sooner than woman, that his love has an earlier death, lest I mention the tuck rule. (@heymrmike)

I love a three-point play!” said Mrs Bennet. “A little three-point play would set me up forever.” (@KeethInk)

No one knows how I suffer. Such flutterings of my heart and pains in my head. Perchance too many jalapenos. (@anamcara1004)

Has this sack been all your doing then? cried Miss Cheesehead to her brothers. “Good heaven! how very, very kind! (@itsthebunk)

I have not had the pleasure of understanding football. (@writershouses)

I will not say that your Steelers are dead, but I am afraid they are not alive. (@janiceharayda)

Well played, Austenite citizens of the Internet! Well played.

Bonnets of Cheese: On Jane, Football, and the Wonder of the Internet

2 thoughts on “Bonnets of Cheese: On Jane, Football, and the Wonder of the Internet

  1. *shakes head at Mrs. F* Roseanne Cash is Johnny Cash’s daughter.

    “the Legume Chorale”–heh! That’s awesome. (The BEPs were dreadful. Worst Super Bowl half time show evah.)

    “But one place we could—would not?—not take our dear Action Jane? That massive New World display of machismo and capitalist purchasing power, the Super Bowl.”–We might not take Jane to the Super Bowl, but you can bet yer ass I’ll be taking her to the World Series some day! 🙂


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