Dear Santa, Love Jane

Chez Miss Ball, we have a long history with the Christmas wish list.  After Thanksgiving—and by December 1 at the latest—there’s a certain amount of familial pressure to inventory our needs and desires, type up the ones that can realistically be satisfied with a credit card and some fancy footwork by the USPS, and distribute the results. Woe and irrelevant gift cards to the family member (except apparently my father, who mostly abstains and then sometimes gets weird presents, Dad) who fails to furnish a list.

The Jane-verse is, of course, jammed with characters and their desires, from prettier hat ribbons to lifelong love and just a little bit of respect—and the subject’s just ripe for a game. Below, check out the anonymous Christmas wish lists—then guess their authors. Leave your answers in the comments!

1. Dear Mr. Claus,

I’ve been mostly good this year—and when I haven’t, it’s mostly been my sister’s fault. Perhaps she deserves a double helping of coal? I, of course, hope to receive only nice things, including an inhaler and a will of my own.

2. Dear Saint Nicholas,

If I must make a supplication to a saint so beloved by children, I’d like a new flannel waistcoat and the love of a pretty girl, preferably of an inappropriately young age. Bonus points if accessories include a scoundrel of her own generation.

3. Santa!

As always, I want books. Lots and lots and lots of books. Also, please send common sense and a cute boy whose dad definitely isn’t a murderer. XOXOXO!

4. My Esteemed Mr. Claus,

I already have nearly everything I need, and anything else my father can and will buy for me. Instead, I’d prefer that you conferred upon my friends and family the shared realization that I am always right, and not bossy in the least. This action would help me out a great deal.

5. Dear Most Kind and Generous Sir,

I ask from the bottom of my humble heart for a stairwell half so elaborate and expensive as my neighbor’s, and also the esteem of that same neighbor…though I do believe she likes me already!

What do you think, readers?

Dear Santa, Love Jane

3 thoughts on “Dear Santa, Love Jane

  1. Maggie says:

    1. Kitty Bennet
    2. Colonel Brandon
    3. Catherine Morland
    4. Emma Woodhouse
    5. Mr. Collins
    These were great, thanks!
    May I suggest one? I can’t write as well as you do, but something about asking for continued good weather and a bountiful garden so that one’s husband can continue to work for most of the day in his garden (and not in my sitting room?) Thank you, Santa, from the most grateful Charlotte Lucas Collins


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