Jane Austen/Harry Potter Fantasy Casting

It’s rainy and muddy in Austenland right now, and the good people there were thinking of passing the time with a little amateur dramatics when, lo and behold, a wormhole opened up and a copy of the Harry Potter series dropped back in time and into our heroes and heroines laps! While Fanny Price looked on in horror, a fantasy casting frenzy commenced.

Hermione Granger and Ginny Weasley: All the heroines wanted to be one of these two. Hermione has the best brains and get the most to do, while Ginny is, of course, the love interest, and feisty in her own right. Emma tried to claim Hermione by pointing out that she read the most, but Lizzie pointed out that making lists of books is not the same as reading them! Also, who sticks up for herself and her friends most in a tight spot? All right, Lizzie, fine, you can be Hermione. Anne Elliot gently reminded the others that Ginny was also a put-upon member of a large family, but Catherine Morland pointed out that she was the only one who played a sport, baseball, so she should be Ginny. . .

Harry Potter: Most of the men made a claim to this, but the ladies agreed that none suited so well as Captain Wentworth. He was dashing, he was a common (not too bright) man who did things, won hearts, stirred up controversy . . .

Ron Weasley: Mr. Darcy disdained being Capt. Wentworth’s sidekick, even for Lizzie’s sake, but Mr. Bingley said he didn’t mind if he did.

Lord Voldemort: Of course, Darcy was attracted by the role. But everyone agreed quietly than it really belonged to his aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. And she agreed that it was  fitting she should play a noble role.

Professor Albus Dumbledore: Mr. Knightley or Mr. Bennet, for sure, the from-the-side-watching know-it-alls.

Professor Severus Snape: Lizzie laughed, and said surely this role belonged to Mr. Darcy!

Draco Malfoy: Henry Crawford, to be sure. Draco doesn’t get much action, poor boy, but Crawford could identify with his halfhearted redemption.

Professor Gilderoy Lockhart: For sheer daffiness, vanity, and ego, everyone agreed, Sir Walter Elliot should have the honor here. (Mr. Collins would have done, had he been handsome.)

At this point, the ladies’ scuffles over who was to be Ginny Weasley became really quite alarming. Mary Crawford was heard to say that Ginny had always had plenty of boyfriends to choose from, and that therefore she should be Ginny. Then Lydia Bennet proclaimed loudly that she had more, and should be. Mr. Bennet went into one of his rages, and took his whole family back to Longbourn, leaving the others to practice riding their broomsticks in the drawing room and casting spells at the card table.

. . .

Obviously, I have merely scratched the surface here! Readers, what do you think? What obvious character connections have I missed?

Photo credit: Magic wand image ©amanky. Used under Creative Commons licensing.
Jane Austen/Harry Potter Fantasy Casting

7 thoughts on “Jane Austen/Harry Potter Fantasy Casting

    1. Mrs. Fitzpatrick says:

      Heehee, you guys are awesome!

      Ally, Lydia would SO be Lavender! Guess Lavender was lucky Ron didn’t have gaming debts … or not?

      Alexa, I didn’t actually mean Darcy would be an appropriate Voldemort, more that he would be attracted by the reticence and power of Voldemort. Wickham’s an interesting idea, but I’m not convinced… no one, of course, in JA *really* would be Voldemort – she just doesn’t go there. Though, ha, maybe Catherine Morland should *think* General Tilney would be right??? She does think he’s the ultimate evil for quite awhile.

      Jacque, you are right on! LOVE the John Dashwoods as the Dursleys, especially. Kitty as Luna… very interesting. This makes me suspect there may be hidden depths to Kitty after all!


  1. I love Sir Walter at Gilderoy! Too perfect. However, I think Wickham would be a more appropriate Voldermort, than Lady Catherine (and certainly more so than Darcy!) as they share the same desire for undeserved greatness and the tendency towards reinvention. Instead, I suggest Lady Catherine take on the role of Delores Umbridge.


  2. Merlin’s pants! I do have to confess that while viewing the latest “Harry Potter” film that something about Ron Weasley reminded me of Mr. Bingley (most notably in the 2005 “Pride and Prejudice” adaptation). As a result, this blog tickles me so!


  3. Jacque Porter says:

    Let me see…Kitty would do well as Luna Lovegood, and the John Dashwood family would be perfect for the Dursleys.


  4. Emily Michelle says:

    I know I’m coming late to the party, but I wanted to put in a plug for Colonel Brandon as Neville; the ages aren’t right, but Brandon would be very good as the character overlooked for being soft and useless, but you invade his school/mess with his ward and BAM! He’ll totally whip out a sword and kill your snake/challenge you to a duel. (Although I’m clearly focusing on the 2007 adaptation here.)


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