Choose Your Own Adventure!

Readers: now that the Pride and Prejudice and Zombies film is effectively dead—insert the walking-dead joke of your choice here—surely serious discussions are at hand. Since, as we all know, there’s a universal minimum for period pieces in the works at any given time (no fewer than three; more if you can find a swanky-looking estate in the rentals section of Craigslist), retribution must be made! Who will buy all those empire-waist dresses and period boots, if not us? Who will fuel the muttonchops craze, if we will not fuel the muttonchops craze? Who will keep an eye on the happy endings, if we don’t keep the genteel romance mill churning?

Considering this sudden omission, and realizing the significance of Austen adaptations to the cosmic equilibrium, we ask you: What Austen or Austen-related film would you see made instead? Who would you cast, and why? And, most importantly, would you include the monsters?

Let’s hear it, readers.

Choose Your Own Adventure!

3 thoughts on “Choose Your Own Adventure!

  1. We still need a big screen adaptation of Northanger Abbey.

    And is there a reason why none of the P&P sequels has been turned to film? I’m not saying that they necessarily should, I’m just wondering why no one has picked up on one of them yet…


  2. I’d like to see a proper Mansfield Park – one featuring a Fanny Price who actually resembles Austen’s creation – but I have no idea who would play the part. Best be a previously unknown actress.


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