I am the new Mr. Darcy!

We here at Austenacious HQ confess to a new crush: Isaiah Mustafa, also know as the Old Spice Guy. I swear, until I saw this man, I thought quite enough Pride and Prejudice remakes have been done. Now, I want a new one: I want to see Isaiah Mustafa as Mr. Darcy! Who’s with me? And furthermore, who could possibly play opposite him as Elizabeth Bennet? (“Me!” I hear Miss Osborne crying, waving her hand in the air.) Who on Earth has what it takes? I am stumped, but we may as well start looking. You know the studios are.

Here Mr. Mustafa speaks up on behalf of libraries, thus clearly proving he is one of us. Even Jane Austen might be impressed with his precise logic. I say no more.

If you don’t see the video, click here.

I am the new Mr. Darcy!

3 thoughts on “I am the new Mr. Darcy!

  1. Jenn says:

    My son just showed me a bunch of these commercials on You Tube just the other night — too funny, but the thought of him being Darcy didn’t occur to me… but if nothing else – his voice has it .. just lovely. Plus he certainly seems to be able to ride a horse – never a bad thing for a gentleman. 🙂 Isaiah Mustafa has my vote!


  2. Ooh, Rosemary, I could totally second Naomie Harris–I quite like her in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies (sue me), and I also remember her from the BBC adaptation of White Teeth.

    I love this plan.


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