Good news/bad news

The good news: as predicted, our Mr. Darcy, beloved of ladies (and—let’s be honest—gentlemen) the world over, has staked his manly and magnetic claim in yet another academic discipline. We are unsurprised, and utter a collective awww, yeah.

The bad news: it’s to do with an ingredient in mouse pee.

Did we say aww, yeah? We meant …yeah.

Researchers at the University of Liverpool have identified a protein in mouse urine that acts as a pheromone—and named it “darcin” after our esteemed Fitzwilliam, presumably because it attracts the ladies. Er, lady mice. But, they say, it might not just be about mice! It might be about actual ladies and what they like! And the people who make AXE Body Spray are totally excited, and preparing to make a lady-slaying army of pheromone-enhanced high school boys!

If they call the human version pattinsonium, we will officially declare that this “interdisciplinary approach” has gone too far.

Good news/bad news

One thought on “Good news/bad news

  1. Rosemary says:

    I’m certainly glad these mice have some darcin, because men with it are few and far between. . .


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