Jane Austen Shop Club

Dear readers, don’t take this the wrong way, but we suspect that you are the kind of people who get your holiday shopping done early. No careless regifters or Christmas Eve night Rite Aid mavens here—your persistent thoughtfulness and industriousness leads us to believe that our readers routinely hoard awesome cards and salt away those perfect holiday gifts for the future. You probably label them and everything. Knowing you as we do, we don’t even believe that you forget what you bought and why, therefore ending up with a closet full of vaguely gifty crap at the end of the year!

Which is why, just in time for the ever-popular post-spring break shopping season, we have an important announcement to make.

The Austenacious store is open for business!

Here—the last tab on the right—you’ll find everything for the twenty-first-century Austen fan, from Disco Jane on a water bottle to the Jane Austen Fight Club for all your apparel needs. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Stay tuned—our appetite for silly Austen t-shirts is vast, and new stuff will arrive often.

After all, you know, Memorial Day is coming right up. We wouldn’t want you to fall behind.

Jane Austen Shop Club