
The Brits have all the luck. After all, they’ve got trashier tabloids, superior pubs, health care for all, and Daniel Craig.

And now, they’ve got a brand-new, proprietary Emma.

Starting tonight on BBC One, the lucky Brits get the new, four-part version of Emma, starring Romola Garai (star of the epic Dirty Dancing: Havana Nights and also some ho-hum bit of Oscar-nominated nonsense called, I believe, Atonement) and Jonny Lee Miller (former Angelina Jolie husband; also, lately, star of ABC’s much-missed Eli Stone). The BBC hasn’t adapted Emma since 1972, though Hollywood’s given it some play via the 1996 Gwyneth Paltrow version, as well as the postmodern take-off Clueless.

So, English people, enjoy! Settle in with some good tea, some Cadbury chocolate, and anything else that the rest of us long for in vain, and watch some world-class meddling (followed by the finding of true love, of course). We’ll just be over here, watching The Real Housewives of New Jersey and pouting into our egregiously oversized portions of fast food.


5 thoughts on “Fine, BBC. BE THAT WAY.

  1. I wonder if i know any of the “real” housewives of New Jersey?

    Yeah, stupid (wonderful) England and their fantastic pubs and BBC!

    I’m off to Whole Foods to empty my wallet and get some stuff with which to make dinner. Perhaps they have an international aisle with Hob Nobs or McVities Homewheats that I can snack on while I watch American tv tonight.


  2. Mrs. Porter says:

    Sigh, well at least we have something to look forward to! Anyone for some Red Rose and scones with clotted cream?


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